If you find yourself constantly checking, counting, or repeating things, experiencing strong urges to engage in certain behaviors, or obsessively worrying about health or cleanliness, you might be dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
OCD manifests in two main forms: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are persistent, intrusive thoughts that trigger irrational fears, while compulsions are repetitive behaviors or rituals performed in response to those fears.
Classic OCD symptoms include compulsive hand washing due to an irrational fear of contamination. Following a compulsion, individuals often experience a temporary decrease in anxiety.
Compulsions can take various forms, such as excessive cleaning, counting, checking, or repeating tasks. Trichotillomania, the compulsive pulling of hair, also falls under the OCD spectrum.
Obsessions may revolve around fears of death, germs, illness, or harm to others. OCD is fundamentally about control and often develops in response to feelings of chaos or lack of control in other areas of life.
While OCD behaviors may seem illogical, they’re often rooted in an exaggerated personality trait or response to stress and anxiety. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy offers relief by addressing the underlying anxiety driving these obsessive behaviors.
By reducing anxiety levels, the grip of OCD can weaken, allowing individuals to regain control over their thoughts and actions. At Mulberry Hypnotherapy, we specialise in helping individuals overcome OCD, providing a safe space to address and manage their symptoms effectively.
Your journey to understanding and regaining control over OCD begins with a free initial consultation, where you can explore the source of your symptoms without any obligation to continue with sessions.