Imagine your brain as an old-fashioned telephone switchboard operator straight out of classic films. Just like the operator directs calls, your brain sorts through sensory and pain messages sent via nerve fibers up the spinal cord, determining which ones reach your conscious awareness.
These messages come in various levels:
- Chronic (persistent pain): These messages travel through C-fibers and convey sensations like throbbing, aching, burning, and soreness. They often feel diffuse and linger long after an injury has occurred.
- Acute (nervous system): Messages through A-fibers are swift and sharp, signaling immediate pain following an injury. They’re prioritised for rapid response, ensuring you address urgent issues first. For instance, if you burn your hand, your brain focuses on that pain, temporarily ignoring any discomfort elsewhere.
Certain A-fibers transmit pressure, touch, and vibration sensations rapidly, offering temporary relief when stimulated, like through rubbing or massaging a painful area.
Then there’s another type of pain Neuralgia or neurological pain, originating from the brain and causing muscle spasms. While initially protective, prolonged muscle guarding can exacerbate pain over time.
Hypnosis presents a remarkable opportunity to take control of this internal switchboard, allowing you to filter and manage pain signals effectively. Through hypnosis, you can acquire skills to selectively process pain messages, empowering you to navigate discomfort with greater control and resilience.