Some of the best therapists in the United Kingdom have used the CORP® Outcomes software, which is a quick measuring tool.
What does CORP® stand for?
CORP® stands for “Clinical Outcomes Research Programme” because the software was originally designed and used for measuring frontline outcomes in private practice and is used in some of the UK’s most successful practices. Clients quite often now demand evidence of skills in the form of measured outcomes, and professionals who measure their outcomes have a significant advantage over those who do not.
CORP® was developed for the rigours of therapy; the software has been trialled in real-life therapeutic situations and is ‘the’ choice of the CPHT training college, professional therapists, and members of the AfSFH for their research programme. Matthew Cahill is the Co-Founder of CORP®.
Crucially it allows Hypnotherapists to keep track of their own progress by using a scale to rate client successes that are subjectively experienced. When it comes to the level of sophistication used in creating this level of anonymized data, CORP® appears to be in the lead.
The CORP® team is committed to conducting a statistical analysis of the data. These can be used to track a person’s progress over a period of time. They also enable us to assess how effective a treatment was in achieving a client’s desired outcome.
By involving CORP® members in this research, the Hypnotherapy profession can gain a better understanding of the positive impact our work can have on thousands of people.
It also generates a mean average figure for when clients should expect to notice a change in themselves. For someone who is visiting us for the first time, being able to provide a timeframe for change can be extremely reassuring and comforting.
If someone is suffering from a stress-related condition, we can show them graphs and data that depict approximate ‘uplift’ times. All of this is based on a collection of anonymous responses from previous clients. The information should give them a realistic sense of hope for when things may start to improve for them.
It has the advantage of assisting someone in developing a focused engagement and a strong therapeutic alliance with their practitioner.